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JobKeeper Payments - No Employees - Update from ATIA

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

NSW Taxi Council is an active member of the Australian Taxi Industry Association (ATIA)

Following the earlier update from the ATIA on JobKeeper payments for the sole traders in the Taxi Industry in Australia, the ATIA has recently provided an updated advice  on JobKeeper Assistance for the NSW Taxi Industry to the NSW Taxi Council.

This update specifically focusses on entities within the NSW Taxi Industry that DO NOT HAVE EMPLOYEES, namely Taxi drivers, Taxi operators and Taxi licence owners (or holders).

In such circumstances, the JobKeeper payment becomes payable to the owner of an eligible business, depending on its structure which could be the following –

  • the individual sole trader;

  • one (but only one) of the adult beneficiaries of the trust;

  • one (but only one) of the adult partners of the partnership; or

  • one (but only one) of the shareholders or directors of the company.

For further clarity and understanding on the general eligibility criteria and specific eligibility criteria for Taxi drivers, operators and licence owners in NSW along with examples as provided by ATIA for the JobKeeper payments for the Taxi industry entities with no employees, please click here or on the update below.

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