The NSW Government Independent Review into Point to Point Transport is being Chaired by Sue Baker-Finch. Submissions for this review closed on Friday 22nd May, 2020. The NSW Taxi Council worked with TfNSW (Transport for NSW) on developing a plan for the Chair of the review to consult with the NSW Taxi industry stakeholders.
Due to COVID-19 Restrictions, face to face and round table consultations were not possible, it was important this review went ahead. Hence, TfNSW utilised technology to have consultation meetings.
Both Metro and CTOA Stakeholders were involved in a number of ZOOM sessions throughout April - May 2020. This included NSW Taxi Licence Owners, Networks, Operators and Drivers.
There is also a Parliamentary Inquiry underway looking into the operation of the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles Act) 2016. The closing date for submissions was Sunday 31st May, 2020.
For both Reviews, NSW Taxi Council held a number of Consultation sessions with our Members – Networks, Owners, Operators and Drivers.
Details on terms of reference and how to make a submission were sent to NSW Taxi Council and CTOA Members via email, together with a discussion paper for members to consider when making their own submission.
Please note, submissions for the both: the review and the inquiry are now closed.
The NSW Taxi Council has made submissions for both the reviews.