Please see information below on the following topics to assist you with the upcoming Financial Assistance Applications for Taxi Licence Owners:
Application Process
The application process will open on 1 February 2023 and close on 31 May 2023. Transport for NSW (TfNSW) will write to all eligible applicants prior to the opening of applications. A letter is being issued in the post to all Taxi Licence Owners from Monday 23 January 2023.
Applications will be accepted online via a portal.
Taxi licence owners should ensure that their contact details are up to date by contacting the NSW Point to Point Transport Commissioner, via the website at www.pointtopoint.nsw.gov.au Or calling the P2P Industry Contact Centre on 131 727.
What you can do now to prepare for the application?
As part of the application process, eligible licence owners will need to provide proof of identity and licence ownership details.
Owners will need to provide 100 points of ID as part of proving their identification. Please refer to the section below for what documents are included to make up the 100 points of ID.
Documents accepted for 100 points ID check
All documents must be certified and dated true copies. A certified copy is a document that has been certified as a true copy of an original by a Pharmacist, Justice of the Peace, Public Notary, legal practitioner or other person authorised by law to administer an oath. NOTE: Documents must have been certified within the previous three months.
Is there anything else you need with your application?
Licence Owners will be asked to provide other information as part of their application. This will include;
You will need your own email address
Your Taxi Licence Number or
A Plate Number connected to your Licence
The date you purchased your licence
Tax Ruling on Payments
TfNSW has been working with the Australian Taxation Office for a Tax ruling on the financial assistance payments. This matter is ongoing and a ruling on this is still to be determined. We will notify members as soon as a ruling is made
Who can you contact for further assistance or questions you may have?
You can contact the Point to Point Transport Industry Contact Centre on 131 727 to discuss any further questions you may have or to check that your details are correct.
The NSW Taxi Council will continue to provide further updates to Members.