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  • Writer's pictureNSW Taxi Council

Important information regarding updated Taxi Fare Hotline Stickers

Source - Point to Point Transport Commissioner

As you are aware from 1 September 2023, Taxi Fare Hotline stickers were required, by law, to be displayed inside and on the outside of all taxi vehicles.    

It has been pleasing to note the high compliance across the industry, and the hotline stickers continue to make it easier for passengers to report the minority of drivers, providing rank and hail services, who are doing the wrong thing by not using the meter, overcharging or refusing fares.  

You have given the Point to Point Transport Commissioner feedback that some of the external hotline stickers aren’t withstanding bad weather, extreme sunlight or are being damaged with frequent car washing. The Point to Point Transport Commissioner has listened to your feedback and are rolling out updated stickers which you should receive within the next few weeks. 

These updated stickers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and frequent car washing – they should remain in good condition for a number of years. They also have a new QR code that links to the Taxi Fare Hotline number and online form. 

Please prioritise removing the old stickers and replacing them with the new updated stickers across your fleet. You should ensure that all vehicles are displaying the updated stickers inside and on the outside in safe, visible, and accessible locations.  

The Commissioner's website has a fact sheet to provide further information on the stickers, where to place them and how to order more if required. You will also receive an instruction guide with your stickers. 

A reminder that displaying hotline stickers is a vehicle safety standard and that service providers and licence holders who fail to do so will face a penalty infringement notice of $550, or $1,100 in the case of a body corporate.    

The hotline stickers do not replace any other signage in the taxi vehicle that is required by law, such as fare information, TSP contact information, Driver ID and signs advising the taxi is fitted with a security camera system.  

For more information, please visit the Commissioner's website or call the Industry Contact Centre on 131 727. 

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