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Writer's pictureNSW Taxi Council

Sydney Airport Gateway Project - Upcoming Changes to the Sydney Airport Precinct

Source - Transport for NSW - Sydney Gateway webpage

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Sydney Gateway is your toll-free connection from St Peters Interchange to the International and Domestic Terminals and beyond. With upcoming changes in November, the way you move around the Airport Precinct is changing.

What is Sydney Gateway?

Sydney Gateway will provide a new, toll-free connection from St Peters Interchange to improve journey times to Sydney Airport, the M5 and Eastern Distributor. The NSW Government announced the project in 2018, describing it as the missing link in Sydney’s motorway network. A commitment of $2.6 billion has been provided to complete more than five kilometres of new road including 19 new bridge structures and over three kilometres of new pedestrian and cycling path. Sydney Gateway will be integral to improving connections to the Airport Precinct, providing a high-capacity network and more reliable journeys.

What are the upcoming Changes?

In November you will start to see traffic changes onto the new road connections, changing how you move around the Airport Precinct and access Sydney Airport. 12 November 2023: Sydney Gateway will open the new 800-metre-long Flyover to the Domestic Terminals, allowing motorists from the south and west to drive straight into the Domestic precinct without waiting at lights. 19 November 2023: Sydney Gateway's first Twin Arch Bridge will open over the Alexandra Canal, near Tempe, carrying eastbound traffic. All vehicles heading east from International towards the Domestic Terminals will use the new arch bridge. Airport Drive will be closed to all traffic heading east so that westbound bridge work can be completed In 2024 there will be other traffic changes preparing the project for completion.

Sydney Airport's (SYD) Information Session

For further information SYD will be running an online information session on 6 November 2023 @ 10am. The link to this meeting is included below. Gateway Opening Information session for ground transport operators

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 490 802 420 57 Passcode: KGeubC Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only) +61 2 8318 0088,,595636793# Australia, Sydney Phone Conference ID: 595 636 793# Find a local number | Reset PIN

Factsheet of Changes

Upcoming Traffic Changes Factsheet - Click here to download/read

Further Updates

The NSW Taxi Council will continue to share upcoming updates with you, in regards to the Sydney Gateway Project.

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