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  • Writer's pictureNSW Taxi Council

Bathurst Taxis delivers hampers for those in need

HELPING OUT: Bathurst Taxis chairman Arshdeep 'Ash' Nat loading hampers with members of the Bathurst Uniting Support Services. Photo: CHRIS SEABROOK

INDIVIDUALS and families received a special delivery via Taxi on Wednesday 8 September 2021.

Bathurst Taxis and the Bathurst Uniting Support Services (BUSS) partnered to create hampers for people in need during lockdown.

The idea came from Bathurst Taxis chairman Arshdeep 'Ash' Nat, who has been supported in it by directors Mick Clayton and Amrit Singh.

Mr Nat approached BUSS to see if they could work together to create the hampers and a partnership was born.

He said it was all about community supporting community during the tough times.

"During these tough times it's good as a united community if we can help each other. If we are able to help, we should help, that's the whole idea behind it, so whoever is isolated, they can get the support," Mr Nat said.

Together, they created 20 family hampers and 30 singles hampers, all of which were delivered by Bathurst Taxis drivers on Wednesday.

The hampers included groceries purchased from Bernardi's Bathurst, such as bread, noodles, pasta, tea, coffee and muesli bars.

Bathurst Taxis contributed $1500, while the Bathurst Uniting Church chipped in $500 to help buy items.

BUSS coordinator Julie Fry said it has been a team effort to create the hampers, not just with Bathurst Taxis, but with businesses and a community member who donated a significant number of Oranges.

"It's been a great partnership. We worked with [Bathurst Taxis] to design the hampers and to get a list of people together," she said.

"Harvest Café had donated some soup, so we are adding that to the hampers, and the oranges."

Ms Fry said there are a lot of people in need at the moment, and hopefully the hampers are a start.

"I think we recognise that there is a huge need in our community at the moment, and we can't possibly tackle it all, but this is just making a start," she said.

"The hampers aren't huge, but they're to brighten people's day and show people are not forgotten."

Listen to the radio interview about this great initiative by Bathurst Taxis on 2BS Radio by the clicking on the play button below -

Bathurst Taxis is a member network of the NSW Taxi Council.

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