The NSW Taxi Council and Country Taxi Operators Association (CTOA) have initiated a “Taxi Connect Business Forum” to provide an opportunity for Regional Taxi Business Owners/Operators throughout NSW to formally connect on a monthly basis with other Directors/Executives/Business Owners in the NSW Regional Taxi Industry.
The main purpose of the Taxi Connect Business Forum is to establish a formal monthly business “Connect and Support” program for Regional Taxi Business Owners/Operators within the NSW Taxi Industry.
There are regular business discussions and shared peer learning opportunities for like-minded Business Owners/Operators of Taxi fleets in NSW Regional towns. It includes both experienced and new owners within the Regional Taxi industry.
The forum further aims to specifically develop knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences for Regional Taxi Owners/Operators to ensure they continue to develop the ongoing future viability, sustainability and success of their business within the NSW Taxi Industry.
(From left to right - Greg Kay - Head of Memberships & Partnerships, NSW Taxi Council & Martin Rogers - CEO, NSW Taxi Council)
The Business Support Forum is being facilitated by experienced Business Advisors and the CEO, NSW Taxi Council along with the Head of Memberships & Partnerships, NSW Taxi Council. The Forum has been in progress since August 2020 involving participants from the Regional NSW Taxi Industry.
Participants are placed into groups with non competing businesses and meet monthly for 1 hour via ZOOM and also spend 1 hour per month trialling and implementing new business improvement initiatives within their own business.
The Forum also provides ongoing support and assistance to the participants from Regional NSW around topics that may be required individually for their respective Taxi businesses –
For example –
Delivering Taxi Service Excellence – eg ensuring you are consistently delivering key requirements for the best customer experience possible.
Day to day Operational Planning – including Safety and Risk Management for your Taxi Business – eg understanding and implementation of the compulsory Safety Management System for all Point to Point businesses (this includes Taxis).
Work and family life priorities – eg having 2 plans (1 for work/business and 1 for personal life).
Manage budgets and finances – eg ensuring that you understand the key drivers and numbers in your business (including earning rate/utilisation/down time per shift for every vehicle) and where specific areas can be improved.
Promotion and Marketing activities for your Taxi business – eg what are the basic essentials to ensure customers know about and regularly use your services.
Technology available for Taxis – eg App, Dispatch etc – eg what are the range of technologies available to ensure the most efficient and effective management of a Taxi business.
How to secure Government and Commercial Contracts / Sponsorship – eg what additional sources of revenue are available for Taxi businesses in NSW and how to get involved.
Recruit and Train people (staff and drivers etc) – eg what strategies and actions can I put into place to develop my pool of good quality and reliable drivers.
Each participant is encouraged to commit for 12 months to the forum. A Certificate of Attendance & Recognition will be awarded to the participants who successfully complete the programme by the NSW Taxi Council, as the peak body of the NSW Taxi Industry.
If you would like to find out more about the Taxi Connect Business Forum, please contact Greg Kay via email at