Terms of reference
On 28 October 2019, the Minister for Transport and Roads announced a review of the point to point transport industry to take place in 2020.
The safety of point to point transport customers, drivers and of the community remain the Government’s priority. This was why the Government introduced the much strengthened safety provisions now applying to industry participants under the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016 and the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Regulation 2017. The review will not revisit those requirements or the three schemes of the Industry Adjustment Assistance Package.
The review will:
1. Consider whether there is a case for further assistance in view of:
(a) the objectives and nature of the point to point transport reforms; and (b) the Government’s announced commitment to assist traditional industry members through those reforms.
2. In the context of the Government’s commitment to a ten year plan for the industry and taking account of the differing circumstances in metropolitan and regional transport markets, examine the impact of the point to point reforms to date and advise if further structural adjustments are needed to ensure the long term viability of the sector and to realise positive customer outcomes.
3. Consider if there are regional locations at risk of losing point to point transport services, and identify:
(a) appropriate interventions to address local transport needs
(b) any measures, including any changes to industry structure specific to the regions, that may be needed to support the continued participation of point to point transport service providers in the local transport market, especially for those providing wheelchair accessible services and other services to vulnerable communities
(c) any further support needed for wheelchair services
Details of review
On 11 March 2020, Transport for NSW announced details of the review of the point to point transport sector to be led by Sue Baker-Finch.
Ms Baker-Finch, who has extensive executive and non-executive leadership experience in commercial, government and not for profit sectors, commenced the review on 18 March. She has been a leader in the business chamber movement at both NSW and Illawarra region levels for over a decade and has a good understanding of issues and challenges impacting business in transforming economies.
Ms Baker-Finch is consulting with industry and other stakeholders from regional NSW and metropolitan centres, and calling for submissions.
The evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) means face-to-face meetings will not be possible. Transport for NSW is supporting Ms Baker-Finch to put in place effective and accessible alternative options.
Submissions were being accepted until 22 May 2020 and are now closed.
The report for the review has been submitted by the chair of the review - Ms Sue Baker Finch to the Minister for Transport and Roads, NSW Government and is being reviewed by the NSW Government.
Any questions about the review may be emailed to pointtopoint@transport.nsw.gov.au.