To protect the people of NSW from the evolving COVID-19 outbreak, current Stay-at-home orders has been extended across all of Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour from 6pm Saturday, 26 June 2021 until 11.59pm Friday, 9 July 2021.
Following updated health advice from the Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant about the growing risk to the community, the stay-at-home orders will apply to all people in the Greater Sydney including Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour.
Point to Point Transport services, including Taxis remain essential services and can continue to operate. You can still enter or leave Greater Sydney for work purposes i.e. to operate Point to Point Transport services. However, if you live in, or stop for a break or to pick up or drop off a passenger in, Greater Sydney, then you must observe the stay at home requirements when you’re not at work and only leave home for the reasons set out below. The reasons you may leave your home include:
Shopping for food or other essential goods and services;
Medical care or compassionate needs (people can leave home to have a COVID-19 vaccination unless you have been identified as a close contact);
Exercise outdoors in groups of 10 or fewer;
Essential work, or education, where you cannot work or study from home.

Mask wearing is now mandatory in all Point to Point vehicles, including Taxis across NSW.
Mandatory mask wearing does not apply to:
Children 12 and under
Persons with a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability that makes wearing a fitted face covering unsuitable including, for example, a skin condition, an intellectual disability, autism or trauma.
Please stay vigilant
Drivers and passengers must wear a mask while passenger services are being provided, fines apply
Do not travel if unwell
Passengers travelling in a taxi should check in using the QR code in the taxi
Practise good hygiene
Set the air conditioning to external airflow rather than to recirculation, or have windows open where appropriate
Passengers should sit in the backseat of the vehicle
Encourage passengers to use contactless payments where possible
Passengers should handle their own luggage where possible
We encourage drivers who are eligible to get vaccinated, for more information on vaccinations please go here.
Vehicle Sanitisation Stations
Vehicle Sanitisation Stations are available at multiple locations throughout the state. This is a complimentary service for all point to point transport vehicles, for up to two sanitisations, per vehicle, per day to help reduce the spread of illness and assist with maintaining driver and passenger safety.
Complimentary disposable masks are available at Vehicle Sanitisation Stations (VSS) across NSW. Each driver can take up to five disposable masks per visit. The NSW Taxi Council would like to Thank you for your ongoing support and contribution in helping us ensure Taxi drivers and passengers remain COVIDSafe. We will continue to update you. For more information, please visit website of NSW Health.