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  • Writer's pictureNSW Taxi Council

WAT bookings will transition from Zero200 to Spinal Cord Injuries Australia from 1 March 2021

Updated: Apr 29, 2021

Centralised Booking Service for WAT bookings will be transitioning from Zero200 to Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) from 1 March 2021 across Sydney.

The NSW Taxi Council CEO, Martin Rogers has received a notice from the Acting Director Strategic Initiatives at Transport for NSW in this regard.

The notice outlines what will happen over the next few weeks, so that Taxi Networks and Authorised WAT Drivers will be able to receive WAT bookings from the new Centralised Booking Service Provider - Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) from 1 March, 2021.


Notice from Transport for NSW

Dear Martin,

As you may already be aware, the Minister for Transport and Roads announced that Transport for NSW has entered into a contract with Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) to provide the centralised booking services for Wheelchair Accessible Taxis in Sydney. After a thorough evaluation, the contract was awarded to SCIA as it was the most innovative and best value for money proposal received by Transport for NSW. It is a unique opportunity for Transport for NSW to partner with an organisation that advocates for and employs people that live with disability.

From 1 March, the centralised booking service for WAT bookings across Sydney will transition from Zero200 to SCIA.

We acknowledge the service and dedication that Zero200 has provided over many years in managing the centralised booking service, and we thank and appreciate their commitment to ensuring a smooth transition to SCIA to ensure this important service continues.

What does this mean for you?

In order to transition to the new service, a number of activities will need to take place between now and 1 March, 2021. Transport for NSW will be in contact with each provider to organise a briefing session with further information relevant to you, your affiliates and drivers including how the new service will work and the dispatch of bookings. In addition to working with WAT providers, we will also be preparing communications for customers advising them of the change.

Next steps

Transport for NSW will be in touch with you around next steps and what you need to do in preparation for the service change. In the meantime if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either myself or Veronica Thomas via

We thank you in advance for your continued support of this important and valued service that you have helped to deliver to the Sydney WAT users community.


Stu Donehue Acting Director Strategic Initiatives Customer Payment Services Customer Strategy and Technology Transport for NSW

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